Results of searching for: appartement

What are the reasons for the high prices of new apartments in Turkey?
What are the reasons for the high prices of new apartments in Turkey?

There are many reasons for apartments prices in Turkey, they have a great impact on effecting the Turkish economy as well as the growth rate of investment.

Buying an apartment in Turkey in installments: Important legal conditions
Buying an apartment in Turkey in installments: Important legal conditions

Would you like to buy an apartment in Turkey? Learn about the terms of installments in Turkey, and whether it is interest-free or not, and learn how to buy an apartment in installments in Turkey.

Prices of apartments in Antalya in dollars and Turkish lira 2023
Prices of apartments in Antalya in dollars and Turkish lira 2023

Learn about the prices of apartments in Antalya in dollars and Turkish lira. Information about the prices of ownership apartments in Antalya, the prices of apartments in Kepez and Konyaalti, and the prices of apartments in Antalya on the sea.

Prices of apartments in Sakarya Turkey in dollars and Turkish lira
Prices of apartments in Sakarya Turkey in dollars and Turkish lira

Your comprehensive guide to learn the prices of apartments in Sakarya, Turkey in dollars and Turkish lira. Information about the prices of apartments in Sakarya, the prices of apartments in Sakarya on the sea, and the cheapest apartment prices in Sakarya.

Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in Sapanca, Turkey
Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in Sapanca, Turkey

Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in Sapanca, Turkey. Find out the cheapest prices for apartments in Sapanca and the prices for apartments overlooking the lake in Sapanca.

Buying an Apartment in Bursa 2024: Tips and Top Guidelines
Buying an Apartment in Bursa 2024: Tips and Top Guidelines

Your comprehensive guide to buying an apartment in Bursa. Find out about prices, the best areas, and how to buy the most affordable apartments. All that and more with Imtilak Real Estate.

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