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Results of searching for: appartement

What Should You Consider When Buying Apartment in Turkey?
What Should You Consider When Buying Apartment in Turkey?

When making a property purchase, there are several things you should consider, below are the best top tips on buying apartments in Turkey by imtilak real estate.

Prices of Apartments in Turkey in Dollars: Samples of Complexes in Istanbul and Trabzon
Prices of Apartments in Turkey in Dollars: Samples of Complexes in Istanbul and Trabzon

Prices of apartments in Turkey in dollars rise and fall depending on the specifications of the property and  location, and in our article let us explain the average prices of real estate in the cities of Istanbul and Trabzon

Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in the Fatih district of Istanbul
Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in the Fatih district of Istanbul

Find out the prices of apartments in the Fatih district of Istanbul, and also read about the advantages of owning and investing in the Fatih region.

Buying an apartment in Trabzon 2024: procedures and most important tips
Buying an apartment in Trabzon 2024: procedures and most important tips

Do you want to buy an apartment in Trabzon? Learn with Imtilak Real Estate the best areas for buying an apartment in Trabzon, and the best offers available.

In Iraqi, Algerian, Kuwaiti Dinars and Qatari Riyals, Apartment Prices in Turkey
In Iraqi, Algerian, Kuwaiti Dinars and Qatari Riyals, Apartment Prices in Turkey

Find out the average prices of apartments in Turkey in Algerian dinars, Iraqi dinars, Kuwaiti dinars, and Qatari riyals. Read at Imtilak Real Estate.

Do you want to buy an apartment in Corona time? You should consider these criteria.
Do you want to buy an apartment in Corona time? You should consider these criteria.

Do you know what criteria to follow when purchasing a property in Turkey or other countries of the world considering the Coronavirus spread? Learn more about these criteria and Corona's impact on real estate.

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