Results of searching for: real-estate

Real Estate Tax Exemption for Foreigners in Turkey
Real Estate Tax Exemption for Foreigners in Turkey

Real estate tax cuts in Turkey are an effective means for the economic decision-maker to stimulate the local economy as well as a motive for attracting foreign investment.

Impact of Digital Marketing on Real Estate in Turkey
Impact of Digital Marketing on Real Estate in Turkey

The digital marketing has a huge impact on real estate sector in Turkey, with latest and advanced tools are being introduced everyday, the high demand has increased.

The Best Countries for Real Estate Investment in the World
The Best Countries for Real Estate Investment in the World

Explore the best places and countries for real estate investment, features and facilities. What are Turkey’s advantages in real estate investment?

Information on Tax on luxurious real estate in Turkey
Information on Tax on luxurious real estate in Turkey

Get to know all taxes on luxury real estate in Turkey, according to Turkish laws and amendments, and the real estate that is entitled to this tax through Imtilak Real Estate company.

Turkey's 8 Types of Real Estate Investment
Turkey's 8 Types of Real Estate Investment

The types of real estate investment in Turkey vary by type of property, the purpose of the investment, and the expected return. Read on Imtilak Real Estate and learn about the types of real estate investment in Turkey in detail.

Real estate prices in Antalya, Turkey in 2022
Real estate prices in Antalya, Turkey in 2022

Learn about real estate prices in Antalya Turkey in 2022, including the prices of apartments, villas, and land. Updated information provided by the first real estate consultant in Turkey; Imtilak Real Estate company.

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