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Why Turkish Citizenship Applications Are Rejected?



Why Turkish Citizenship Applications Are Rejected?
There are various approaches to gaining Turkish citizenship; real estate seems like an attractive investment option both now and for your future in Turkey.

  • At least $400,000 should be invested.
  • No matter if it is residential or commercial property, documentation should always be in order.
  • Depositing $500,000 with any Turkish Bank demonstrates strong financial commitment.
  • Make an initial investment of at least $500,000 in Turkish Government Bonds or Shares of Turkish companies.
  • Assuming you marry an individual from Turkey, applying for citizenship requires some complex documentation demonstrating you and the other are legally married and living together within Turkey.

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Benefits of the Turkish Citizenship

  • Access to over 110 countries and territories - such as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, etc - without needing a visa or applying for one on arrival.
  • Citizenship in a Mediterranean climate country offering breathtaking landscapes and a high quality of life is both attractive and fulfilling.
  • Families of applicants also are granted full citizenship status.
  • Access a transcontinental Eurasian country that serves as a reliable financial and political center between Europe, Western Asia, and the Middle East.
Benefits of the Turkish Citizenship

Common Cases of Turkish Citizenship Rejection

Failure to Meet the Necessary Requirements

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Your Turkish citizenship application could be rejected if it does not satisfy all required criteria, so make sure that all requirements for your chosen path have been fully understood and that all requirements have been fulfilled before making an application for citizenship.

Incomplete Documents

Incomplete documents can lead to delays and rejection. To minimize their chances, be sure that all required paperwork such as deeds of property, financial statements, and identification documents is present before applying.

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Related: Papers Required To Apply For Turkish Citizenship.

 Forging certificates or papers when applying for Turkish citizenship

When Applying for Turkish Citizenship Any attempt at falsification on an application for citizenship of Turkey is illegal, and will result in rigorous checks by authorities who could reject your request and take legal action as needed.

Security Reasons

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A country's national security should always take precedence. Your application could be denied if any red flags emerge about your past activities or associations that could pose a security risk; to maintain honesty and openness during this process it is vital.

The property’s value is less than $400,000

In order to meet this threshold, an application could be rejected unless its valuation and supporting documents are accurate and up-to-date. In this scenario, accurate property appraisal will help meet this condition and successfully submit an application.

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Related: Properties for sale suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

What to Do if Your Turkish Citizenship Application is rejected?

First and foremost, understanding why your application was denied will allow you to effectively address problems and strengthen it for future applications. Please speak with an immigration specialist such as a lawyer or consultant; their expert insight may identify areas for improvement within your application that need attention.

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Once you understand why your application was rejected, take immediate steps to address the cause. For instance, this may involve collecting additional documentation, correcting errors, or providing further details regarding specific aspects of it.

Turkish Citizenship  Rejected

Get Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate Investment with Imtilak

Imtilak will lead you through every step of obtaining Turkish citizenship by investing in real estate. We provide assistance with paperwork requirements, compliance checks with laws and regulations as well as liaison between authorities. Our expert staff are on hand to answer your queries or offer advice. Contact us now for a consultation about finding a home!

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