Results of searching for: Saudi

Saudis Ownership in Turkey
Saudis Ownership in Turkey

Saudi investors are at the top of the list of foreign investors within the various investment sectors in Turkey, including the real estate sector. Read more in this article.

Saudi Investment in Turkey Real Estate
Saudi Investment in Turkey Real Estate

Saudi Arabia are known to have the biggest investment in Turkey properties which lead to a series of strong diplomatic relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Comprehensive Guide to Living in Saudi Arabia
Comprehensive Guide to Living in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is considered a unique country to live in, with its cultural diversity and exceptional opportunities for employment and investment. In this article, we will explore the advantages, disadvantages, and cost of living in Saudi Arabia

Prices of Apartments in Istanbul in USD and Saudi Riyal
Prices of Apartments in Istanbul in USD and Saudi Riyal

Complete guide to average prices of apartments in Istanbul 2024. Updated information and details from Imtilak Real Estate including the areas of Esenyurt, Basaksehir, Beylikduzu, and some areas of the Asian side of Istanbul

Real Estate Fees and Taxes in Saudi Arabia
Real Estate Fees and Taxes in Saudi Arabia

When acquiring a property in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the buyer is required to pay a set of fees and taxes to ensure the transfer of ownership, which we will cover in detail in this article.

Conditions for Foreigners Investing in Saudi Real Estate
Conditions for Foreigners Investing in Saudi Real Estate

To buy or sell property in Saudi Arabia, foreigners must adhere to certain conditions, including investment amount and permitted areas for purchase. Read more for details.

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