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Results of searching for: Turkey

Prices of agricultural and residential land in Turkey
Prices of agricultural and residential land in Turkey

Learn the average land prices in Turkey, information on prices of agricultural and residential land in Istanbul, Bursa, Antalya and Trabzon.

What are the types and characteristics of the land in Turkey?
What are the types and characteristics of the land in Turkey?

Learn the types of land in Turkey, which include agricultural, residential, and investment land, when owning real estate. Read more at Imtilak Real Estate

Prices of villas in Turkey : Updated rates
Prices of villas in Turkey : Updated rates

Get to know the prices of the villas in Turkey in dollars and Saudi riyals. Also, recognize Turkey's best cities to buy a villa and the best villa complexes in those cities.

6 distinct investment opportunities in Turkey
6 distinct investment opportunities in Turkey

Imtilak real estate offers you distinct investment opportunities in Turkey. Agricultural investment opportunities, real estate investment opportunities, and commercial and tourist investment opportunities in Turkey.

Detailed information about Alanya, Turkey
Detailed information about Alanya, Turkey

Learn in detail about the city of Alanya, Turkey. Important information about Alanya's history, location, weather, and beauty. Learn about tourism in Alanya and its most important characteristic.

Investment in Ankara, Turkey: a comprehensive guide
Investment in Ankara, Turkey: a comprehensive guide

A comprehensive guide to the various types of investments available in Ankara, Turkey. What are its benefits, and what are the opportunities for growth? Read about the prospects for real estate investment in Ankara, as well as other topics.

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