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Results of searching for: Turkey

Is buying a property in Turkey a good investment?
Is buying a property in Turkey a good investment?

Turkey’s real estate market has emerged significantly in recent years and its potential growth in the future is promising, so this poses an important question: why is buying a property in Turkey a good investment?

Investment in Turkey: The Best Advantages and Fields
Investment in Turkey: The Best Advantages and Fields

A study to monitor the most important reasons and types of investment in Turkey, real estate, tourism, industry and invest funds through profitable investment opportunities.

Updated Information on Properties Prices in Turkey
Updated Information on Properties Prices in Turkey

An updated information on the latest real estate prices in Turkey, learn more about the best deals on properties in different cities around Turkey as well as buying property in Turkey.

Information about Property Tax in Turkey
Information about Property Tax in Turkey

What is the property tax in Turkey? How do you pay and calculate it? Does it also apply to foreign investors? Learn all in this informative article.

A Study on the Real Estate Market in Turkey
A Study on the Real Estate Market in Turkey

All you need to know about the Turkish real estate sector, the strengths, the most important Turkish cities for real estate investment, real estate taxes, government facilities, and investment laws.

Details About The Inheritance Law in Turkey
Details About The Inheritance Law in Turkey

An informative article related to the inheritance law, to serve as a comprehensive guide includes answers to the most pressing questions about inheritance law and inheritance tax in Turkey.

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