Results of searching for: Istanbut

Apartment prices in Taksim, Istanbul: updated information
Apartment prices in Taksim, Istanbul: updated information

Would you like to buy an apartment in Taksim and invest in it? Learn about the apartment prices in Taksim, Turkey in 2024. Updated information from Imtilak Real Estate company.

A comprehensive guide on apartment prices in Basaksehir, Istanbul
A comprehensive guide on apartment prices in Basaksehir, Istanbul

Your complete guide to getting to know the prices of apartments in the Basaksehir district of Istanbul. Also, learn about the advantages of owning and investing in the Basaksehir area.

A detailed guide on buying an apartment in Istanbul in 2024
A detailed guide on buying an apartment in Istanbul in 2024

Do you want to buy an apartment in Istanbul? Learn with Imtilak Real Estate how to buy an apartment in Istanbul, learn about its advantages, the best areas, and the most important necessary procedures.

A detailed guide to buying a property in Istanbul in 2024
A detailed guide to buying a property in Istanbul in 2024

Everything you want to know about buying a property in Istanbul in 2024 in terms of the types of real estate that a foreigner can own, how to buy, the best areas, and the advantages of buying a property in Istanbul.

A detailed guide about the Kartal district of Istanbul
A detailed guide about the Kartal district of Istanbul

Your detailed guide to know the Kartal district in Istanbul, its location, weather, the most important features, and infrastructure. Also, learn about the advantages of buying an apartment in Kartal, Istanbul.

The most important hospitals in Istanbul and the quality of their services
The most important hospitals in Istanbul and the quality of their services

A unique guide to getting to know Istanbul hospitals, locations, departments, and the quality of their services. Read also about the residential complexes close to hospitals in Istanbul and other vital facilities.

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