Results of searching for: Istanbut

Features and Facilities for Owning an Apartment with Waterfront in Istanbul
Features and Facilities for Owning an Apartment with Waterfront in Istanbul

"To decide to buy an apartment in Istanbul, that make you feel safe and hope for profits over the coming years. See the steps to buy apartments in Istanbul. "

Grand Bazaar in Istanbul (Guide to The Covered Market)
Grand Bazaar in Istanbul (Guide to The Covered Market)

ِThe historical Turkish icon known for both locals and tourists, the grand bazaar in Istanbul is a thriving place providing everything you could ever imagine. Read more about it.

What are the Best Districts to Buy Office in Istanbul?
What are the Best Districts to Buy Office in Istanbul?

Istanbul is known for its properties great value for investors, here is the list of the top districts to buy offices in Istanbul presented by Imtilak real estate.

Erdogan's Dream- Istanbul New Canal Project
Erdogan's Dream- Istanbul New Canal Project

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that his country plans to start the cornerstone for the "Istanbul new canal" project at the end of this year or early 2018...

Hospitals in Basaksehir Istanbul- The Biggest Hospitals in Europe
Hospitals in Basaksehir Istanbul- The Biggest Hospitals in Europe

Istanbul is known for its advanced medical technology, we present you the top best hospitals in Basaksehir Istanbul which considered the biggest in all of Europe.

Villas and Bungalows in Istanbul- The Luxurious Investment  Opportunity
Villas and Bungalows in Istanbul- The Luxurious Investment  Opportunity

When it comes to luxury and profit, villas and bungalows in Istanbul stand out to be the best choice for all investors and to make such successful investment opportunity.

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