Results of searching for: property

A detailed guide on buying a property in Turkey in 2024
A detailed guide on buying a property in Turkey in 2024

A comprehensive guide on buying a property in Turkey in 2024 for foreigners, offered by Imtilak, the "first real estate advisor in Turkey", including features, procedures, and other things.

A detailed guide to buying a property in Istanbul in 2024
A detailed guide to buying a property in Istanbul in 2024

Everything you want to know about buying a property in Istanbul in 2024 in terms of the types of real estate that a foreigner can own, how to buy, the best areas, and the advantages of buying a property in Istanbul.

A detailed guide on buying a property in Ankara in 2024
A detailed guide on buying a property in Ankara in 2024

Are you considering buying a property in Ankara? Find out about the best Ankara properties for investment and the best areas to own, and also read about the step-by-step buying procedures.

The best property for sale in Turkey under 100k
The best property for sale in Turkey under 100k

buying a property in Turkey is relatively cheap compared to other countries. If you want to have your own house or buy property as an investment, Turkey is one of the best choices.

Buying property in Turkey process: steps and tips
Buying property in Turkey process: steps and tips

the process of buying property in Turkey is not complicated if you can break it down into simple steps. And if you follow these steps thoroughly you will be able to secure a very satisfactory deal.

The main differences between commercial & residential property
The main differences between commercial & residential property

Which property is appropriate for you? Understanding the main differences between commercial and residential property makes you able to choose the appropriate one for your goals and needs

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