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Results of searching for: real estate Turkey

Detailed information about real estate tax exemption in Turkey
Detailed information about real estate tax exemption in Turkey

Find out about the real estate tax exemption in Turkey, what it includes and what it does not include, and also read about the conditions for obtaining a tax exemption and the documents required for it.

The most important 6 advantages of real estate investment in Turkey
The most important 6 advantages of real estate investment in Turkey

Find out about the advantages of real estate investment in Turkey in 2024, and also read about how real estate has been affected by the Turkish lira crisis; All of that, and more at Imtilak Real Estate.

Real estate investment returns in Turkey compared to other investments
Real estate investment returns in Turkey compared to other investments

Real numbers representing real estate investment returns in Turkey presented to you by the first real estate advisor in Turkey, Imtilak Real Estate Company, with a comparison with the returns of other types of investment

Tips on Making High Profits in Real Estate Investment Turkey
Tips on Making High Profits in Real Estate Investment Turkey

Imtilak real estate reveals the secrets on making a high profit for real estate investment in Turkey, also providing tips for a successful business in the best areas.

Smart Home System in Turkey: Modern Real Estate Technology
Smart Home System in Turkey: Modern Real Estate Technology

Away from science fiction and action movies and passing by a marvel called (Smart Home), many people who heard this term wondered about this house and what this term exactly meant.

Why Brits Prefer Turkey for Tourism and Real Estate Investment?
Why Brits Prefer Turkey for Tourism and Real Estate Investment?

There are several houses for sale in turkey which especially attracts the British buyers to buy property in Turkey

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