Results of searching for: Trabzon

The cheapest apartment prices in Trabzon, Turkey in 2024
The cheapest apartment prices in Trabzon, Turkey in 2024

Learn about the cheapest apartments for sale in Trabzon, Turkey in 2024 by the first real estate consultant in Turkey, Imtilak Real Estate. Also, find out how we can help you buy the most suitable apartment at the lowest price.

Detailed information about the Arsin district in Trabzon
Detailed information about the Arsin district in Trabzon

Learn about the Arsin area in Trabzon in terms of location, weather, and infrastructure, and also read about the advantages of buying an apartment, and living in Arsin, Trabzon, with Imtilak Real Estate.

Detailed information about the Arakli district in Trabzon
Detailed information about the Arakli district in Trabzon

Everything you want to learn about the Arakli area in Trabzon is offered to you by Imtilak Real Estate, its location, the nature of its weather, and the advantages of owning and living in it.

The most important infrastructure projects in Trabzon and their advantages
The most important infrastructure projects in Trabzon and their advantages

Learn about the most important infrastructure projects in Trabzon and their advantages. Read also about the stages of infrastructure development in Trabzon in recent years.

A comprehensive guide about the Maçka district in Trabzon
A comprehensive guide about the Maçka district in Trabzon

Macka is located in Trabzon, Turkey, on the Black Sea coast. The area is famous for its stunning scenery and many historical monuments. Learn about them in detail and the advantages of living and investing in them

Uzungol Lake in Trabzon: The Magical Turkish Nature
Uzungol Lake in Trabzon: The Magical Turkish Nature

One of Turkey's most famous landmarks is a natural lake of Uzungol, it's become a major attraction for tourists from all over the world, known for its beauty and magical surroundings.

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