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Results of searching for: Investments in Turkey

Rise in the UAE investments' volume in Turkey
Rise in the UAE investments' volume in Turkey

There is a large number of investments between UAE & Turkey investment, Turkey plays a great role in maintaining peace and friendship in the Gulf region.

$13 billion worth of Gulf investment in Turkey
$13 billion worth of Gulf investment in Turkey

The head of the Investment Office of the Presidency of the Turkish Republic said: The interest of international investors in Turkey continues despite the Coronavirus pandemic, expressing his optimism for the economy to achieve remarkable growth in the future.

Saudi Real Estate Group Favors Investment in Turkey
Saudi Real Estate Group Favors Investment in Turkey

Now, Emad Real Estate group is signing a number of real estate projects’ deals in the Turkish market. Real Estate Investment Imtilak.net

59  Chinese Billionaires Visit Turkey for an Investment Purpose
59 Chinese Billionaires Visit Turkey for an Investment Purpose

In a new step to support the Turkish economy strengthen trade between Turkey and China, the 59 richest Chinese businessmen, led by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, are moving to Turkey to build partnerships and seek new investment opportunities...

Volkswagen Takes the First Step for a Huge Investment in Turkey
Volkswagen Takes the First Step for a Huge Investment in Turkey

International carmaker Volkswagen has confirmed that its long-planned plant, whose location has been a source of global speculation, will be located in Turkey

Turkey: Developing a new strategy to attract foreign investments
Turkey: Developing a new strategy to attract foreign investments

Turkey is developing a new strategy, through which it aims to attract more foreign investments, follow the details through Imtilak Real Estate.

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