Results of searching for: prices of apartments in Istanbul

A comprehensive guide on apartment prices in Basaksehir, Istanbul
A comprehensive guide on apartment prices in Basaksehir, Istanbul

Your complete guide to getting to know the prices of apartments in the Basaksehir district of Istanbul. Also, learn about the advantages of owning and investing in the Basaksehir area.

What are the factors that affect apartment prices in Istanbul?
What are the factors that affect apartment prices in Istanbul?

There are different reason to affect apartments prices in Istanbul, below we illustrate these reasons and other details about the prices in dollar currency.

The Full Guide to Apartment Prices in Basaksehir Istanbul
The Full Guide to Apartment Prices in Basaksehir Istanbul

Basaksehir is one of Istanbul's newest administrative districts, learn about apartments prices in Basaksehir Istanbul, one of the most high investment values districts.

Prices of Apartments in Turkey in Dollars: Samples of Complexes in Istanbul and Trabzon
Prices of Apartments in Turkey in Dollars: Samples of Complexes in Istanbul and Trabzon

Prices of apartments in Turkey in dollars rise and fall depending on the specifications of the property and  location, and in our article let us explain the average prices of real estate in the cities of Istanbul and Trabzon

Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in the Fatih district of Istanbul
Your comprehensive guide to the prices of apartments in the Fatih district of Istanbul

Find out the prices of apartments in the Fatih district of Istanbul, and also read about the advantages of owning and investing in the Fatih region.

An increase of about 60% in the prices of apartments in some areas of Istanbul
An increase of about 60% in the prices of apartments in some areas of Istanbul

Istanbul leads the Turkish states in the increasing prices of its apartments, according to a report prepared by the Index real estate platform.

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