Results of searching for: real estate in Turkey

Learn statistics for the year 2022 of real estate sales for foreigners in Turkey
Learn statistics for the year 2022 of real estate sales for foreigners in Turkey

Real estate sales to foreigners in Turkey in 2022 made progress of 15.2% over the previous year

After the Amendment of the Citizenship Law: $ 10 Billion the Sales of Real Estate in Turkey
After the Amendment of the Citizenship Law: $ 10 Billion the Sales of Real Estate in Turkey

The real estate sector’s concerned persons in Turkey are waiting for the new legal amendment to be enacted to implement the exceptional citizenship law...

Erdogan: Turkey Is Among the Most Attractive Countries for Real Estate Ownership in the World
Erdogan: Turkey Is Among the Most Attractive Countries for Real Estate Ownership in the World

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a public speech in Istanbul's Kasımpaşa district that Turkey is among the most attractive countries in the field of real estate ownership in the world...

When is the real estate investor exempt from value-added tax in Turkey?
When is the real estate investor exempt from value-added tax in Turkey?

Distinguished tax exemption granted by the Turkish government to foreign real estate investors, learn the conditions for benefiting from the exemption from value-added tax on your property in Turkey.

Real estate sales in Turkey cross the two million mark during 2021
Real estate sales in Turkey cross the two million mark during 2021

Statistics issued by the Land Registry Directorate in Turkey indicate that real estate sales in Turkey exceeded two million properties during the first nine months of this year.

The Immigration Presidency raises the value of the property eligible for real estate residency in Turkey to $200,000
The Immigration Presidency raises the value of the property eligible for real estate residency in Turkey to $200,000

The General Presidency of Immigration Management in Turkey announced that the minimum value of the property eligible for real estate residency in Turkey has been raised to $200,000 instead of $75,000.

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