Imtilak Testimonials

Day after day, the testimonials of customers continue to draw the true picture of the integrated services provided by Imtilak Real Estate before and after the sale through its experienced and trained staff. For us at Imtilak Real Estate, we see them as a source of pride and honor, not just testimonials… Have a look at what our customers are saying about us

Mr. Arslan Berjawi

Mr. Arslan Berjawi

Mr. Arslan Berjawi


I came to Turkey to achieve two goals; the first is to obtain Turkish citizenship for me and all family members, and the second is to reside in Turkey and change the lifestyle that we used to have, and move to another way of living in another country, with a high standard like Turkey.

Due to the many opportunities for real estate ownership offered by Imtilak Real Estate, with its honesty and confidence in dealing, I decided to deal with this company.

I contacted the sales team via WhatsApp, to agree on an appointment for a field tour, and to see the desired property.

After agreeing to buy the property, and thanks to the recommendations provided by the specialists at Imtilak, I was able to obtain the title deed (Tapu) within 12 days, and then obtain Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport.

Imtilak Real Estate has totally fulfilled its promises, so I advise all investors to deal with Imtilak Real Estate Company.

Mr. Abdelkarim Kazem

Mr. Abdelkarim Kazem

Mr. Abdelkarim Kazem


I came to Turkey as soon as the Coronavirus travel ban ended, and your welcome for us was the best welcome… you have assisted us a lot with the many departments of Imtilak.

I provided your team with the special power of attorney to carry out the title deed and citizenship procedures instead of me when I am not here.

You are trustworthy, and your company is well-known for its high class... and if a friend of mine wants to come to Turkey, I advise my friend to go to you because you are known for your good reputation.

Mr. Omar Tawfik

Mr. Omar Tawfik

Mr. Omar Tawfik

Palestinian living in Qatar

Mr. Omar Tawfik, a Palestinian living in Qatar, The Corona crises and travel ban did not prevent him from buying a house in Turkey, although they initially prevented him from seeing his home.

Imtilak Real Estate was the answer when Mr. Omar consulted the experienced people about buying a home in Turkey, due to its high reliability and good reputation.

After contacting the sales department and choosing the apartment he wanted, Imtilak Company carried out all the procedures, the contract was signed then sent by mail, and Mr. Omar owned his house.

After the air traffic was resumed, Mr. Omar visited Turkey and went to his home to enjoy a happy holiday in Turkey.
Akhtar Jafari

Akhtar Jafari

Akhtar Jafari


He learned about Imtilak Real Estate online, and it became his key to safe real estate ownership in Istanbul...

He acquired his luxury real estate that conformed with the Turkish citizenship conditions at the best possible price and acquired the Turkish nationality with his wife and children.

Speaking about his experience and about the presales and after-sales services of the company, which accompanied him around the clock until he got his dream home.

Mr. Ahmad Sharkasi

Mr. Ahmad Sharkasi

Mr. Ahmad Sharkasi


Imtilak Real Estate: We welcome you, professor Ahmad, to our company Imtilak Real Estate, and we would like to congratulate you and your generous family for obtaining the Turkish citizenship, how do you see Istanbul and its atmosphere now?

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: Istanbul is an ancient city, with its unique geographical location between Asia and Europe, and -as you know- everyone likes to come, see it, and live in it.

Imtilak Real Estate: I am curious to know how you find our company, Imtilak Real Estate?

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: It was through one of the brothers. He sent me one of your YouTube videos in which you showed the project of Deniz Istanbul villas located by the sea. I saw the video then I called you, and you sent me a number to contact you, and my first interview was with Mr. Ahmad Ramadan, and he showed me the Duplex that you showed in one of the videos on YouTube, and then I moved on to the idea of buying a property in Turkey.

Imtilak Real Estate: Why Turkey? And what was your goal of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: As you know, I am a Circassian and my origin goes back to Turkey. This was an opportunity for me to invest in the property and then I applied for Turkish citizenship, and don't forget, I am a Circassian and my mother's last name is “al-Turkey” (the Turkish) as well.

Imtilak Real Estate: How was the purchase? And what about the stages of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: The stages took several visits to several sites, the most recent of which was Wadi Koru, I was with Mr. Ahmad at the time and it was the anniversary of the prophet's birth last year, so we went there and I took my decision to buy the property in just fifteen minutes, and the decision was final, especially after they accepted the offer I made to them, so it was a blessed day. I put my trust in Allah and I decided to buy and.

Imtilak Real Estate: How did Imtilak help you get Turkish citizenship?

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: I tell you frankly, I was in a meeting with Mr. Ahmad Al Hamid and Mr. Ahmad Ramadan of Imtilak Real Estate employees when I was visiting you here in the office, and they asked me for the documents required to obtain citizenship and I provided all the documents in full, which are: passports, birth certificate, residence permit, criminal record document, and all other required documents and we were in constant contact with the lawyers, and I arranged the documents with the best way possible, where we were in almost daily contact for a week until I prepared all the documents, then I came and signed the power of attorney for the lawyer to manage the legal matters and follow up the proceedings which began on the 26th of March, I recall that I received a letter from Mr. Ahmad saying: Today we started the citizenship procedure.

Imtilak Real Estate: What obstacles did you face and how were they overridden?

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: We did not face real obstacles, but -as you know- the security approvals of some nationalities are delayed, but things were easy for me especially when I carried out the required procedure and submitted all the required documents, and after a short period of two months or 65 days, I passed the security approval, i.e. the fifth stage of the stages of grating the nationality, and only the administrative procedures remained.

Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Ahmad! I would like to thank you for the precious time you have given us, and I would love to give you the passports and IDs for you and your family members.

Mr. Ahmad Al-Sharkasi: God bless you and thank you.
Imtilak Testimonials

Day after day, the testimonials of customers continue to draw the true picture of the integrated services provided by Imtilak Real Estate before and after the sale through its experienced and trained staff. For us at Imtilak Real Estate, we see them as a source of pride and honor, not just testimonials… Have a look at what our customers are saying about us

Dr. Abdulaziz Mahyoub

Mr. Iyad

Mr. Riyad Al-Shazly

Mr. Mohammad Qassem Al-Jarrah

Dr. Kamal Al-Hamdani

Professor Hadji Anwar

Mr. Osama Rashed

Dr. Samir Subhi Hijazi

Dr. Sharif Yusuf Shehab

Mohammed Ahmed bin Jabal

Mr. Marwan Mansour

Dr. Abdulaziz Mahyoub

Dr. Abdulaziz Mahyoub

Dr. Abdulaziz Mahyoub

Honorary Consul of Yemen in Kazakhstan

Imtilak Real Estate: Welcome, Dr. Abdulaziz in Imtilak Real Estate

We were very happy, it was an honor to offer our services, and it was really a pleasant experience for us.

We would like to know how you selected the property in Turkey, and how were Imtilak services in this aspect.

Consul: First, I would like to thank you for the services you offered

Honestly, All employees working with you in the company are excellent

I dealt with them as friends rather than as a client

Everyone has aims of buying the property

On this basis, I chose what is beautiful, small, near, wonderful services, nice designs, which is called the Hotel Apartment.

I chose this type, after communicating with you more than once, I came and I know what I want

I signed the contract and then I went to the airport and I trusted them to the extent that I didn’t want to see anything.

A 14-page contract.

I’m sure that I won’t choose better than Imtilak Real Estate.

I authorized them and gave them all my trust, and thank god I got a good property.

Imtilak Real Estate: Thank you, we are so happy to hear that

We definitely had the honor to offer service while buying the property

And now our services with the after-sales service department - God willing - are continuing

Through your experience, how did you feel about your after-sales services?

Consul: Frankly, after-sales services are more important than services during the sale

Because after buying, you will face a lot of problems

Like collecting and ratifying papers, leasing the property and the problem of preparing the property in terms of furniture and furnishing and other problems that appear out of nothing

However, Imtilak team were so interactive and helpful with me. That's not a compliment, all their services were great

At first, I didn’t believe that there is such a service, usually, after buying a property, the company tells you and thank you for buying and good-bye, but for Imtilak, they are distinct from others, thanks to Allah and then to this wise management.

Imtilak Real Estate: Dr. Abdulaziz! We recommend you to invest in Turkey

Of course, we will provide during and after-sales services. You are among your family at Imtilak.

Anyway, our team will be at your service at any time you need.

Consul: You cannot imagine how happy I will be when I see Imtilak growing in this way and offer its services more.

I feel like we are the first people who came and buy a house here.

I usually don’t decide easily, I study, prospect, and examine until I decide, but all the indications were great, and so I thank Allah

I gained more than property

I gained acquaintances in this company and friends.

Imtilak Real Estate: Dr. Abdulaziz! Turkey is a country that welcomes foreigners and has many opportunities for investment

Now the opportunity of Turkish citizenship is a great opportunity, thank Allah

The Turkish government, as you have mentioned, has proven its seriousness

About facilitating the acquisition of Turkish citizenship within a short period of time, and God willing, we are ready for all services to do our best, we are committed to that, God willing.

Mr. Iyad

Mr. Iyad

Mr. Iyad


Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Iyad and Mr. Ahmad, we welcome you to Imtilak Real Estate, and congratulate you once more for obtaining Turkish citizenship for you and your family. Can we please hear the story from the beginning about why did you choose to own property in Turkey?

Mr. Iyad: Through my repeated visits, I have seen that Turkey is the only country in which the investment is successful, specifically, an investment in Istanbul is the best, especially investment in the housing field, knowing that my main field of work is real estate.

The second point: no other country gave me its nationality, and as an Iraqi expatriate, the conditions for citizenship were good and appropriate for me, where the 250 thousand dollars is a modest amount of money, and any Iraqi citizen who has a good job can obtain citizenship through this amount through owning a property, and at the same time investing the property through renting it, and if I wanted to sell the property after three years, there could be a profit as well, in this case, I benefit from the investment and at the same time I benefit from obtaining the citizenship.

Imtilak Real Estate: How did your story with Imtilak Real Estate start?

Mr. Iyad: Our story started when a friend told me about you after I repeatedly came to Turkey, he told me that there is a real estate company, which is Imtilak Company, which has credibility in dealing with its customers and gives you excellent prices, so I went to the company’s sales department and they sent me to you and said to me: You can go to Mr. Zakaria, he will help you with what you want, and so it went well thank Allah.

Imtilak Real Estate: how long did it take to get Turkish citizenship?

Mr. Iyad: Almost three months.

Imtilak Real Estate: How do you evaluate the role of Imtilak Real Estate regarding how fast you obtained the documents necessary for Turkish citizenship, such as transfer receipts and the processing of title deed documents?

Mr. Iyad: I was always in contact with them, and they always told me about every step, for example, the brothers in Imtilak told me to transfer money from Amman Bank to Ziraat Bank in Turkey, and the brother lawyer Ahmad helped me in following this matter very well.

Imtilak Real Estate: As for your role in obtaining Turkish citizenship, what did you do? What was your role in the procedures of obtaining Turkish citizenship? Did the procedures require your presence in Turkey?

Mr. Iyad: Never, on the contrary, when I was in Amman I completed all the required documents and sent them to you, and for this, I tell you that Imtilak company is a very special company and this is a fact I am not saying that to show off nor hypocrisy before you, I say this to everyone who hears me and wants to get the Turkish citizenship: I swear you only need to go to Imtilak company. I do not say these words hypocritically before you, I say it honestly: I swear you have credibility in dealing, which is a fact, and at the same time, Imtilak company gets good prices, as I told you, I liked apartments that I could not get for less than $100,000, but in Imtilak Real Estate, I got it for $92,000, this is the second point, and the third point is the follow-up, the most important thing is the after-sale follow-up, This section of yours I gives it a special greeting because they are actually following the work day by day and send me messages, me and them are in constant communication and this is all joyful and we are grateful to you, and I am before God responsible for my words and I say this to every Iraqi person who wants to come and buy a property and to obtain citizenship: you go to Imtilak Real Estate.

Imtilak Real Estate: Do you currently have Turkish citizenship with your family members?

Mr. Iyad: Me, my wife, and daughter who is less than 18 years old have obtained Turkish citizenship.

Imtilak Real Estate: About the chosen project, did Imtilak have a role in the speed of obtaining the title deed and citizenship procedures?

Mr. Iyad: As I told you at the beginning, I thank them a lot, because they got me the apartments I wanted in Inge Project, and they also got me the documents I need quickly which is definitely a joyful thing, and I would like to send a message to everyone who sees me and hears me, I say: If you want to obtain the Turkish citizenship you only have to go to Imtilak Real Estate, because they have proven how special they are -and this is a fact- through dealing and their following-up of their clients and through their after-sale services.


Imtilak Real Estate: I would love to ask you transparently, have you encountered any obstacle during this process? And how was it solved?

Mr. Iyad: We never faced any obstacle, when I came from Amman, I was calling Imtilak, and their driver used to come to me with the car in the morning to the home, I find him standing waiting for me to go and complete all the procedures.

And I salute you again, with my thanks and appreciation, I swear, you are a company to be proud of.

Imtilak Real Estate: The facilitated procedures from the Turkish government regarding obtaining Turkish citizenship have become clear, and it needs a strong legal team for everything to go smoothly.

We are very happy to serve you, Mr. Iyad, it is our honor to serve you, and we wish you all the best, and we congratulate you and your generous family for obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Mr. Riyad Al-Shazly

Mr. Riyad Al-Shazly

Mr. Riyad Al-Shazly


Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Riyad! Once again, we congratulate you on obtaining Turkish citizenship, and we are very glad that you obtained it.
How do you see Istanbul? How do you see its atmosphere?

Mr. Riyad: The atmosphere is very nice, to be honest, I mean we came and stayed here for 5 days then we traveled to Beirut, but we insisted to get back here again because of the safety and people here are happy, which means comfort.

Imtilak Real Estate: Why did you choose Turkey to invest in it and apply for citizenship? Why didn't you choose another country?

Mr. Riyad: Frankly, I have been thinking about Turkey for a long time, and I thought about it after I had several options in European countries, but I liked Turkey as an Islamic country because the person lives here with peace and remains comfortable.

Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Riyad! How do you see Turkey and Istanbul for the family?

Mr. Riyad: I would love to bring my family next year to always stay here in this country because it is safe, of course. Me, my wife, and my daughter, and I want to enroll my daughter in a university in Istanbul, god willing, because in this country there is an ease of mind and reassurance.

Imtilak Real Estate: We would love to welcome you back to our office in Imtilak Real Estate. First, I would like to know: How did you hear about Imtilak Real Estate? How did you get to us?

Mr. Riyad: To be honest, I wanted to come to Istanbul with the investment idea in my head and I did not have a certain company in mind, but when I arrived at Istanbul airport I saw a big advertisement for Imtilak company, I liked the name of the company and I called them, and I told them that I came to Istanbul with the purpose of ownership, and frankly, they spared no expense, from the first time I started researching they took me to two projects and I liked Mirage Project and felt comfortable with it, and based on that I took a decision to buy, thank god... Imtilak Company spared no expense with me from the beginning to the end.

Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Riyad! Can you please tell us what steps you took until you obtained Turkish citizenship?

Mr. Riyad: The steps were long but Imtilak company was with me from the beginning to the end, and they sent me a complete list of the required papers, and I issued and authenticated the documents and sent them by express mail to Imtilak company, then they took care of everything.

Not only that, whenever I arrive at the airport, Imtilak used to send me someone to help me with all the transactions I need to do, because I do not know Turkish language and he was helping me with translation, they also went with me to the department of land registry for the title deed and carried out the entire transaction. Anywhere I wanted to go to, Imtilak company was there present with me all the time I was in Istanbul until I completed all the steps.

Frankly, we were surprised that we obtained citizenship during a period of two to three months with all my family, and of course, they were happy so much, thank god.

Imtilak Real Estate: I would love to congratulate you once again on obtaining Turkish citizenship, and I would like to inform you that we got the passports and I will hand them over to you now.

Mr. Mohammad Qassem Al-Jarrah

Mr. Mohammad Qassem Al-Jarrah

Mr. Mohammad Qassem Al-Jarrah


Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Mohammad, welcome to Imtilak Real Estate and we congratulate you on obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment, can you please tell us more about yourself and tell us how did you find Imtilak?

Mr. Mohammad: My name is Mohammad Qasim al-Jarrah, from Baghdad.
After the Turkish government issued the special decision to grant Turkish citizenship to those who own a property that worth more than $ 250,000, I started searching online it was my fate to contact Imtilak Real Estate Company.

I contacted them online and they were very cooperative, they provided me with many options and offers regarding the specifications I was looking for, we agreed on a property I chose, and they asked me to come to Istanbul.

I came to Istanbul and they received me at the airport and were very helpful, they took me to the real estate department in Istanbul and stayed by my side every step of the way, because I did not know the directions and do not know the language, but they helped me until I got the title deed. After I got the title deed of the property I bought; they asked me to bring the rest of the documents required for registration and nationality, and I issued them in Baghdad, authenticated them from the Ministry of Interior first, then from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After that, I translated them and took the approval from the Turkish embassy in Baghdad and brought the complete file and delivered it to the representative of Imtilak Real Estate Company, who took care of the rest of the procedures, until the time they told me that I have to come to Istanbul to take my fingerprint in the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs, and to complete the remaining procedures.

In fact, since the day I purchased the property until they contacted me that I need to go to the General Directorate of Population to take my fingerprint and complete the citizenship procedures; it took between 3 and 4 months.

My brothers at Imtilak Real Estate company were very cooperative, and they were side by side every step of the way.

My wife and I have the nationality as we do not have children under the age of 18.

I thank you again and express my appreciation to all the staff of Imtilak Company who were very cooperative, and stayed with me every step of the way, and I am happy with this nationality but I am also proud of my Iraqi nationality.

Imtilak Real Estate: Mr. Mohammad! Through your experience in Turkey with Imtilak Real Estate in ownership or obtaining Turkish citizenship, what do you advise other brothers who want to own property or those who are thinking about the same thing?

Mr. Mohammad: Dear brother! Actually, through dealing with Imtilak Company, I saw that its staff is very good, sincere, and cooperative. They accompanied me and gave me the right directions, and received me. They were always with me in the official offices because I do not speak Turkish language and I do not know where to go. I advise the brothers who intend to buy real estate or enter this experience to go to Imtilak company because they have the experience and they do get the job done, that is why I obtained the citizenship in a short time, between 3 to 4 months, thank god.

Dr. Kamal Al-Hamdani

Dr. Kamal Al-Hamdani

Dr. Kamal Al-Hamdani


Imtilak Real Estate: Dr. Kamal, we welcome you in Imtilak Real Estate

Would you please introduce yourself and tell your story with Imtilak Real Estate

Dr. Kamal: Dr. Kamal Al - Hamdani specialized in Soner and an Iraqi citizen  

Recently, I got Turkish citizenship, thanks to Allah; I used to browse YouTube and the internet, and when I come to Istanbul, I see the ads. I’ve seen and noticed Imtlak's ads in many places

I was impressed, and I visited Imtilak, then and I owned property through them thanks to Allah.

Imtilak Real Estate: Dr. Kamal, would you please talk about the story of property purchase through Imtilak Real Estate?

Dr. Kamal: I contacted Imtilak before coming to Istanbul, I mean from outside Istanbul.

We booked an appointment with the company's team. When we arrived in Istanbul, the team contacted us and they set us an appointment.

They used to come and take us from the place of residence and they took us on a real estate tour to many places such as new residential complexes I mean, as you desire.

Whether you want the city center or outskirts at average or high prices.

The team have a good experience; we made a decision with their help of course. However, their real estate experience has really been beneficial.

Imtilak Real Estate: Dr. Jamal is it possible to give us an idea of how to apply for Turkish citizenship and Imtilak services?

Dr. Kamal: The matter was bizarre to me I did not know anything about it, but with the help of experiences of Imtilak, we have started it with steps.

The first step was the property's ownership as they helped me to change the purchase value from the bank and the issue of receipts and bills. I have no experience in this.

If you ask me about the medical subject, I have experience of course but not in the real estate subject.

They really benefited me in this matter. We thankfully bought the property.

The property value must exceed 250 thousand $; they also helped in assessing the property In order to conform to the conditions of citizenship. Then, we started the residency procedures that lead to citizenship and then we began the citizenship stages. Things were easy but needed some requirements and Imtilak managed the matter.

Imtilak Real Estate: How long did it take to obtain Turkish citizenship from the date of submission?

Dr. Kamal: From the date of submission for Turkish nationality, it was 15 -02 to 15-5 it took about three months.

After issuing the decision to get citizenship, I thought that Imtilak would stop supporting me, but they accompanied me to the Directorate-General of Census to take fingerprints where they took me from the place of residence by their private cars with an employee who speaks Arabic, English and Turkish to deal with Turkish employees.

Once the procedures are completed, they take me back to my residential place and this was a good matter to mention for Imtilak.

Imtilak Real Estate: Did you have any concerns about obtaining Turkish citizenship through buying a property in Turkey?

Dr. Kamal: Actually, I was one of those who have doubts about whether I would face problems with this matter of not as I have no experience and not getting in touch with anyone other than Imtilak.

On the contrary, I saw trust and security. Dealing with Imtilak and its employees means trust and reliance.

On the other hand, their respect and kindness in dealing with customers are very classy I appreciate that for them.

Imtilak Real Estate: Doctor, what do you like to add for people who want to invest in or visit Turkey?

Dr. Kamal: According to my experience with Imtilak, I recommend investment honestly As Iraqi, I recommend my Iraqi brothers.

Even for non-Iraqis Imtilak treat all customers with the same way, Therefore, I recommend Imtilak Real Estate to my Iraqi bothers.

Imtilak Real Estate: Doctor, I would like to thank you again and I wish you happy days in Turkey.

Professor Hadji Anwar

Professor Hadji Anwar

Professor Hadji Anwar


Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah Almighty

I am Hadji Anwar from Morocco

I dealt with Imtilak Real Estate Company and I bought a property in Turkey through Imtilak that helped me a lot. Thank Allah. I will explain my experience to you in general. In this video, I will explain the facilities offered by Turkey to people coming from outside the country.

Facilities are:

First: papers are very easy and the employees in the company prepare them to you, means you do not need any effort or fatigue and it will take a short time.

As for the tax number, when I was in Morocco. Imtilak also issued the tax number to me.

For the opportunity in Turkey is now the best chance due to the decline of the Turkish lira, for Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

The development in Turkey is great in the infrastructure between the past years and now, and this is an Islamic country like Morocco that does not differ greatly in the culture of people.

People who want to invest, Real estate companies here help you with everything, and among all these companies, the most important company and the largest company and the best company is Imtilak Real Estate.

Upon arrival, they come to your place of residence, take you on real estate tours, inform you of all existing real estate projects, and advise you on government-guaranteed and reliable projects. 

Secondly, if you buy a property and want to lease it, Imtilak will help you with this. If you want to furnish a house and do decorative work, they can help with that as well. If you want to sell it, they will assist you in doing so.

Moreover, the installment plans in Imtilak projects are without interest, and as I said, it is possible to buy a commercial, residential or investment property and the prices are good for the Moroccan currency.

They accompany you to the construction companies, ensure you the best price, and do not leave you alone.

Third: They get you the tax number without bothering you, as well as opening the bank account and assisting in receiving the deed of ownership.

I liked Imtilak Real Estate a lot. They have employees from the western Arabic countries: Tunisia, Algeria and from Syria as well, and talk to their clients with their local dialects.

They have many videos for projects and can find what is cheap and expensive, I am very happy to deal with Imtilak, and Allah willing, I will continue dealing with them in the future.

Mr. Osama Rashed

Mr. Osama Rashed

Mr. Osama Rashed


Salam Alaikum, I am Osama Rashid I would like to share my experience with buying a property in Turkey.

Frankly, in the beginning, I was a lot hesitant, I do not know who I am dealing with, and I've heard about frauds in real estate.

However, thank Allah I came to a company called Imtilak Real Estate. I met her through social networks. Her evaluation was very high. I contacted them. They greeted me from the time I arrived at the airport and the next day we went on real estate tours for several days to several projects.

Of course, their goal was not only to sell the property, but they gave me real estate advice and advised me of the best investment property.

Several options are available as you wish, and on this basis, they offer you the appropriate projects for you.

Buying a property needs to trust, so you must deal with a reliable company, and I personally advise you very much of Imtilak Real Estate company from personal experience with them.

Many thanks

Dr. Samir Subhi Hijazi

Dr. Samir Subhi Hijazi

Dr. Samir Subhi Hijazi


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, may Allah send blessings and peace upon him, his family, and his companions.

I am your brother, Dr. Samir Subhi Hijazi, I live in Iraq. It was fate to contact Imtilak Real Estate Company. They received me at the airport and got me to a place where I can stay in, then in the next days, we communicated to search for an apartment that would suit my income and my purchase power.

Getting this apartment was easy, praise be to Allah of course, in fact, we needed to find Arab brothers who know Arabic and Turkish languages, because we cannot speak Turkish, but Imtilak Real Estate provided this service through its employees and we thank the Turks for this as well, this is a positive point for this company.

Imtilak company did not only do this but they also carried out other services like registering this property in the land registry department, in addition to what comes after selling the property, which are the other services such as electricity, water, internet, and gas, where Imtilak has employees to carry out these services.

They helped us with furniture also, where Imtilak has good relations with other companies it deals with regarding home furniture.

We thank this company as well, Imtilak Real Estate Company has provided us with these services and therefore we advise, encourage, and recommend anyone who wants to own a property, you will find excellent services.

I call those whom I know and those whom I don't to go to Imtilak Company, because this company is really special in providing services to customers and in getting all that they need, so that they can own property if they want and desire property in Turkey.

May peace, blessings, and mercy of Allah be upon you.

Dr. Sharif Yusuf Shehab

Dr. Sharif Yusuf Shehab

Dr. Sharif Yusuf Shehab


I am Sharif Shehab from Lebanon, I am an architect and university professor in Beirut. We learned about Imtilak almost three years ago.

The beginning of the relationship was in a real estate exhibition, we were introduced to each other’s and we met Mr. Baraa, then the relationship developed and we met Mr. Abdullah Al-Hammad and the team of the company.

In fact, since we got to know them until today; Imtilak company has grown very large and expanded very clearly and positively, which is an attractive and special thing the company has, and this proves day after day its credibility in the market and in dealing with the customers.

This encourages us, as engineers in Lebanon, to put our trust in this company and contact it, and we also encourage the people we deal with or work with to contact Imtilak Real Estate company in Turkey, Istanbul, due to this trust and credibility they earned among the people.

Indeed, the experience was very positive through our communication with Imtilak company, in particular with Mr. Bara and Mr. Abdullah al-Hammad, where we contacted them regarding real estate for people we know, and thank god the atmosphere is positive, and everything was genuine, they received their apartments and the title deeds, carried out their legal transactions as usual with the help of the team of Imtilak company.

We also have Arab friends to whom we recommended Imtilak, and thank god the atmosphere was positive and their view of the company has always been positive.

The striking thing about Imtilak Real Estate is that it carries out whatever necessary and helps you with everything, meaning that it does not only show you its own property, it may take the customers to another property they have seen but they have no sufficient information about, or if customers prefer to be cautious and ask before making any step towards buying the property, Imtilak will help you collect this data or provide this information, and it will try to give you the correct and real information, not only the one we see online.

Some properties are directly affiliated with them as a real estate company, and it is only natural that these properties have a higher level of trustworthiness and treated seriously.

Another remarkable thing is the integrated team of the company in all respects, this team is trustworthy and let you feel that you are in a place among your family.

This thing gives more comfort, and you know that the real estate needs trustworthiness and so does the investment, so, as long as there is trust on a personal level with managers of the company, the process will be successful.
I think that this represents a fundamental secret that Imtilak is trying to work on in the region.

Mohammed Ahmed bin Jabal

Mohammed Ahmed bin Jabal

Mohammed Ahmed bin Jabal

Saudi Arabia

I came from Saudi Arabia for the purpose of buying and investing in a property. I found Imtilak website on the Internet. They contacted me continuously in the morning and in the evening to facilitate my arrival in Turkey. They received me from the airport, and then they took me to all the projects that they manage, I almost visited all the projects, thank Allah I owned in two projects through them and bought an apartment in Mall of Istanbul.

They have done their job perfectly and more to provide back and forth services, opened the bank account, and received the title deed of ownership through them.

Mr. Marwan Mansour

Mr. Marwan Mansour

Mr. Marwan Mansour


First, I want to thank Imtilak Real Estate for their good hosting and reception for us, and special thanks to Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Baraa, for they have spared no expense with us, and they were very trustworthy and helpful with us.

For me, things were a little bit difficult when I wanted to come to Turkey for investment. How and with whom will I deal? Will I succeed in that?

I was confused and not quite sure what to buy? Or in what will I invest? Or how will I invest?

The team here did not leave me alone, Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Baraa did not leave me alone either, they provided us with excellent and very encouraging offers, they helped us more than we expected and I am very grateful to them, and for sure, our next deal will be with them.

Even after the purchase and owning the home, they will follow up with us on matters of renting the property and other after-sales matters.

Of course, I advise all my friends and acquaintances to come to Turkey and invest, and to go to the office of Imtilak Real Estate Company, because the team there is trustworthy and reliable.

Hossam Salah

Hossam Salah

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عندهم قاعده بيانات كبيره و تحديثها بأستمرار مع تغيير الأسعار و تغطيه كبيره لأغلب المشاريع الكبرى في اسطنبول و كوجالي حيث كنت ابحث و كنت على تواصل مع اكتر من وسيط عقاري و في النهايه اشتريت عن طريقهم و اراهم من أفضل الوسطاء العقاريين تغطيه و نشاط و تفاعل

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Ahmed Abu Dalou

Ahmed Abu Dalou

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شركة ممتازة جدا و صادقين في التعامل

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Mike El Labban

Mike El Labban

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Highly recommended company and staff. Particularly Mr Amir El bakkour and Mr Mohammad Dibs are super experienced and patient with the customers- They understood our requirements and answered all the questions and worked with several builder to guide us to the best options. Their knowledge for the market and negotiation skills helped us secure what we are looking for. Can not thank them enough to stay on top of things and work tirelessly to keep customers satisfied. I expect a great career future for both Amir and Mohammad as well as Imtilak.

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Shawn Bhagat

Shawn Bhagat

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We have been working with Abdul Karim Hubra at Imtilak Real Estate in Istanbul for over 2 years , we have bought 2 Real Estate properties and referred other friends & family. The Team from CEO, Abdul Karim, Talib, Abdul Manaf and many others have been very helpful at all times. Their advise has been very positive and handsome returns on our Investments.

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خدمة شركه امتلاك ممتازه و تعامل راقي توفقت في التعامل واختيار شركة امتلاك العقاريه التي تتعامل بكل مصداقيه وشفافيه اشتريت شقة واستلمتها منذ شهر والحمدالله ووفقنا الله بجهدهم في اختيار العقار المناسب، التواصل كان جيد واشكر جميع العاملين في هذه الشركة المتميزة.

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Hoda Alhamshary

Hoda Alhamshary

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اسعدني جدا توفيق الله لي في التعامل مع هذه الشركة المحترمة و التي تتعامل بكل التزام و شفافية اشتريت شقتين من خلالهم من اكتر من خمس سنوات و يتولون عمليات الإيجار و متابعة الشقة بكل لوازمها و يتسمون بالأمانة و استخقاق الثقة و متميزون جدا في خدمة ما بعد البيع

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Boualem Dz

Boualem Dz

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تعاملي مع شركة امتلاك العقارية كانت تجربة فريدة من نوعها خصوصا بعد تعاملي مع عدة شركات أخرى في نفس المجال اللتي لم تكن سوى شركات احتيال في غالبها. مع امتلاك العقارية اتضح أن مصلحة العميل قبل كل شي وهذا يتضح من. الوهلة الأولى خلال مرحلة انتقاء العقار المناسب، كان الأستاذ عبدالرزاق ملمًّا جامعا وناصحا طوال كل الوقت، دائما حاضرا للإجابة عن أي استفسار، مع الأستاذ عبدالرحمان والأستاذ سعد كان فتح حساب البنك وجميع إجراءات الوكالات وغيرها سلسا ومجهزًا مسبقا حيث لم يأخذ مني سوى بضع دقائق. دون أن ننسى إجراءات التحويل اللتي كانت متابعة من طرف الأساتذة السابق ذكرهم تحت إشراف السيد طالب. اللذي جهز لكل شيء حتى وصلت تحصلت على الإقامة والتقديم على الجنسية. قمة الاحترافية، وقبل كل شيء الإنسانية ومع امتلاك لم أحس أبدا أن الهدف هو تحصيل عائد لهم بل على العكس احساسي كان دائما إخوة لي قبل كل شيء همهم الوحيد هو مصلحتي. العلامة الكاملة للأساتذة عبدالرزاق، طالب، أسعد، عبدالرحمان، . المحامي أحمد دون نسيان المدير التنفيذي زكريا ألف ألف شكر لكم وتمنياتي لكم بالمزيد من التألق والنجاح

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Ahmed Saleh

Ahmed Saleh

star star star star star

خدمة ممتازة من أول خطوة في رحلة البحث عن عقار حتى شراء العقار و الحصول على سند الملكية كل الشكر للسيد حمزة من فرع شركة إمتلاك في طرابزون

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Wajid Hassan

Wajid Hassan

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Imtilak has really been supportive and Helpful. Special thanks to Talep AlHalabi for his outstanding and excellent support

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Khalid Taher

Khalid Taher

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يكفي ان تتعامل مع محترفين واشكر الجميع وأخص بالذكر السيد بشير العلبي والسيد طارق حسين والسيد طالب على جهودهم الطيبة وجميع الإخوة الذين يعملون في الظل

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Samih Karasneh

Samih Karasneh

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اشكر شركة امتلاك على كل ما قدموا من مساعدة حقيقة فريق متكامل ويتمتع العاملين بالأمانة والمصداقية العالية وأخص اقرب شخص تعامل معي عن كثب الاخ حمزة كل التوفيق لامتلاك وبارك الله الجهود

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Queen Of Love

Queen Of Love

star star star star star

Many thanks for all staff in emtlak - bursa Mr.ahamad and Mr.mahmouhd to help bought 2 apartments in downtown.

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Yasin Ellabad

Yasin Ellabad

star star star star star

I am very satisfied with my experience with Imtilak Real Estate, both before and after sale services were remarkable. Very professional staff and really trustworthy.. however here I must give special thanks to few names like Abdulrazak Deri, Abdulkarim Bannoud, Ali Alhamid and Yaman Haidary for their endless support. My advice to whoever wanted to explore real estate opportunities in Turkey, Imtilak Real Estate should be the choice!

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Zekeriya Hüseyin

Zekeriya Hüseyin

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I'm proud to be a part of the magnificent company.. i hope always to give the best

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Dr.Khawlah Abdullah

Dr.Khawlah Abdullah

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كل التقدير والاحترام والامتنان للأخ أحمد بزرباش مدير المبيعات في شركة امتلاك العقاريه فرع بورصه لجهوده المتميزه في إيجاد عقار مناسب لي وتعامله الراقي ونزاهته .. متمنية له كل التوفيق والنجاح دوما يارب

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Abu Ahmad

Abu Ahmad

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اعتزازا مني بشركة امتلاك واحترامي لجميع من تعاملت معهم تبقى شهادتي فيهم مجروحة وذلك لرقي التعامل والكفاءة والنزاهة … تعاملت مع موظفين في اسطنبول مثلا الاخ عبدوا ادلبي الذي كان المؤثر الرئيسي لتعاملي الاولي مع امتلاك وذلك لصدقه ونزاهته معي وباقي زملائه المحترمين ومنهم الاخ محمد المحترم . اما تجربتي الثانية في بورصة فكان من خلال فريق عمل محترف وفي قمة النزاهة والرقي ومنهم ابتداءا بمسئول المبيعات الاخ أحمد بزرباش واخلاقه العاليه وقدراته في فهم متطلباتي وتقصير وقت البحث عن العقار المناسب لضيق وقتي بسبب عملي في الامارات … ثم الاخ الرائع محمود العبدان ( ابو سعيد) في قسم خدمات ما بعد البيع وفعلا كان خير عون لي في المساعده غير المحدوده لتسهيل الانتقال والسكن في عقاري الجديد في بورصة … حاليا نحن في المرحلة النهائية لشراء عقار آخر لشقيقتي بعد السمعه الطيبة للشركة داخل عائلتي

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Aladdin Almuaibed

Aladdin Almuaibed

star star star star star

So far, I am quite happy with this real estate as the staff and in particular mohammed (Bursa) is a very supportive and domonestrated an excellent understaning of client needs. He was able to answer all questions in a professional manner. So if I had to buy another flat I would choose this estate without hesitation

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Hocine Chellou

Hocine Chellou

star star star star star

The objective through this message is to share my testimony in complete honesty concerning my exceptional and successful experience with IMTILAK Real Estate. Without its full support, I would never succeed in purchasing real estate in Istanbul. The entire team was made available to support me achieve my project in Istanbul. When I first met the team, all my doubts and fears disappeared. I immediately realized that I was in good hands given their way of working, their professionalism and their dedication to serving the client and making the dream become a reality. I was granted all the support and advice to choose the best project and the best place to invest and live, thanks to very professional and dynamic sales engineers such as Mr. Haithem and many others too. Then, the after-sales service team took in charge the entire process of obtaining all legal documents and registrations of the real estate according to Turkish legislation in a very short period of time. Furthermore, I received full support regarding the citizenship process for me and my family. All documents were prepared and handled by the legal team in a very professional manner. In this particular step, my special thanks go to Mr. Talep alhalabi for his honesty, dedication and hard work in achieving the goal. To make it short, IMTILAK is a very reliable and efficient company with professional, organized, welcoming and helpful staff. I strongly recommend everyone who wants to invest in Turkey to deal with this company.

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Hatim Ali

Hatim Ali

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تعاملت مع شركة امتلاك كلهم اهل للثقة و كانوا عند حسن الظن بهم و انصح كل من يريد شراء عقار عليه بشركة امتلاك وايضا خدمات ما بعد البيع واريد ان اخص بالشكر و العرفان الاخ عبدالرحمن يعيش في ازميت له القدح المعلي من الشكر لما قدمه لي من جهد و تعامل راقي كان نعم المعين و كذلك الاخ عثمان و الاخ ضياء الي ان وفقنا الله بجهدهم في عقار جيد جدا والي الان متابعين معي في كل ما احتاجه . لهم الشكر والتقدير اريد ان اوجه شكر خاص للاخ ضياء فرع ازميت لاننا مرضي من اسبوع و هو ايضا مريض و بالرغم من مرضه ظل متابع معنا بل يحضر لنا الاشياء من جيبه الخاص و يضعها لنا امام الباب و دمتم علي هذا المنوال

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Susant Parida

Susant Parida

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From my experience I would like to mention : Imtilak is a Perfect place where Professionals cater to our exact needs through a personal touch based on their in-depth understanding of their client’s requirements. Representatives from Imtilak Izmit branch are awesome. Special thanks to Mr. Diyaa Zeriz, who serves as a perfect example through his hard work and dedication. We highly appreciate the service offered by Mr. Diyaa Zeriz. An amazing person packed with great amount of professionalism !!!!!

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Apartments and villas conform to Turkish citizenship

Apartments and villas conform to Turkish citizenship
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