Villas for Sale in Turkey

Buruj Izmit  IMT - 614
Buruj Izmit IMT - 614

Villas for sale in Kocaeli, within a luxury investment complex, and villas suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship, Contact us for more information.

Babel Villas  IMT - 613
Babel Villas IMT - 613

Villas for sale in Izmit, Kocaeli with a luxurious architectural style characterized by its modern designs, within a promising investment complex, and an opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship, with a convenient installment option. Contact us for more information.

Bahçecik Palaces  IMT - 612
Bahçecik Palaces IMT - 612

Luxury villas for sale in Kocaeli, close to Istanbul, characterized by their modern designs, in an upscale coastal area, suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship. Contact us for more information.

Government-guaranteed Projects

The most important housing projects in Istanbul

Government-guaranteed Projects
The Banks of Belek’s Villas  IMT - 776
The Banks of Belek’s Villas IMT - 776

Villas for sale in Antalya within the Belek area in a modern architectural style, suitable for Turkish citizenship, with the possibility of payment by division. Contact us for more details.

Granda Villas  IMT - 775
Granda Villas IMT - 775

Villas for sale in Belek Antalya, with distinctive prices and luxurious specifications, within one of Antalya's most important areas, and an opportunity to acquire Turkish citizenship through ownership of the project, contact us for more details.

Sapanca Hills IMT - 676 Turkey's Sapanca Villas
Sapanca Hills IMT - 676 Turkey's Sapanca Villas

imtilak real estate provides the best deals on villas for sale in sapanca turkey within sapanca hills project, lake views and wonderful green hills. Call us now

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