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Results of searching for: Building It

Earthquake-Proof Buildings and Disasters Insurance in Turkey
Earthquake-Proof Buildings and Disasters Insurance in Turkey

Learn about the new technology of earthquake-proof buildings code in Turkey and the best specs, as well as the governmental disasters insurance known as "DASK" .

Learn more about residential building equipment in Turkey
Learn more about residential building equipment in Turkey

Get to know everything about the equipment of the residential buildings in Turkey, and the expenses that result from it, the people who bear these expenses via Imtilak Real Estate.

Modern Turkey Buildings: The Evolution of Turkish Architecture in Modern Times
Modern Turkey Buildings: The Evolution of Turkish Architecture in Modern Times

The modern buildings of Turkey, and the extent of their impact on the contradictions experienced by Turkey, between East and West, between traditional and contemporary, to the architectural manifestations of the difference between religious and secular!

Which is better for investment: an apartment in a residential complex or an apartment in a normal building?
Which is better for investment: an apartment in a residential complex or an apartment in a normal building?

Making the right decision for the best investment in Turkey can be a challenge, below are comparisons between residential complexes and individual apartments.

The most important information about earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and their specifications
The most important information about earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey and their specifications

Learn in detail about earthquake-resistant buildings in Turkey, their specifications, designs, and the Turkish government's plans in this regard, and the reality in Istanbul.

Encouraging the Eco-Friendly Green Buildings in Turkey
Encouraging the Eco-Friendly Green Buildings in Turkey

Green building: It is an eco- Friendly building which saves energy and does not cause harmful emissions, green buildings consume less than two-thirds less energy than traditional buildings.

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