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Ownership in Turkey

Ownership in Turkey
Tips for Buying an Apartment in Turkey
Tips for Buying an Apartment in Turkey

If you plan to make a search visit to several properties in order to buy an apartment, do not rush to make a purchase and read our tips

The Ultimate Guide for Real Estate Law in Turkey
The Ultimate Guide for Real Estate Law in Turkey

The Turkish government has made significant amendments to the Turkish Real Estate Law regarding the conditions that must be met by foreign individuals wishing to own real estate in Turkey.

FAQ about Ownership in Turkey- Everything You Need to Know
FAQ about Ownership in Turkey- Everything You Need to Know

A brief of the most important and popular 17 questions raised by those who want to own a property and invest in Turkey. This article talks also about the law of foreign ownership and real estate prices in Turkey.

Villas of Luxury & Comfort

New luxury villas for sale in Istanbul

Villas of Luxury & Comfort
A New Decision Allows Eritreans to Own Property in Turkey
A New Decision Allows Eritreans to Own Property in Turkey

The Turkish Presidency issued a new decision, which allows Eritreans in Turkey to own real estate within the territory of the Republic of Turkey after it was among the countries whose citizens are not entitled to own property in Turkey

Important aspects to focus on before renting or buying an apartment in Turkey
Important aspects to focus on before renting or buying an apartment in Turkey

Imtilak Real Estate has spotted for you some important aspects that should be considered before buying apartments or renting houses in Turkey, follow us

Ordu Palace  952 – IMT
Ordu Palace 952 – IMT

Building for sale in the coastal city of Ordu near Trabzon and Samsun, with a stunning sea view and green space

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