Results of searching for: cities of Turkey

Top 7 cities for Arabs to live in Turkey
Top 7 cities for Arabs to live in Turkey

Read, and find out about the best cities in Turkey for Arabs in 2024, in terms of living, job opportunities, ownership, and investment; Detailed information provided by Imtilak Real Estate about the best cities in Turkey.

Living in Turkey for families: advantages, costs, and best Cities
Living in Turkey for families: advantages, costs, and best Cities

A detailed guide about living in Turkey for families in 2022, including the definition of the advantages and disadvantages, and the cost of living, is brought to you by Imtilak real estate experts. Also, learn about the best cities in Turkey for families.

The ancient city of Kibyra in Turkey... The Destination of ancient wrestlers
The ancient city of Kibyra in Turkey... The Destination of ancient wrestlers

Kibaira, of its Military-dye, is a Turkish city with the longest decorative strip on its walls, featuring sculptures of wrestlers from ancient history in Anadolu.

Sakarya City in Turkey - Its Landmarks, Monuments, climate, and Tourist Attractions
Sakarya City in Turkey - Its Landmarks, Monuments, climate, and Tourist Attractions

Sakarya is known for its tourist diversity and its pleasant climate in the summer. Here we will learn about its historical and tourist attractions in addition to the most important information about this Turkish province.

What Is the Best Profitable City in Turkey? For Investment, Tourism and Real Estate
What Is the Best Profitable City in Turkey? For Investment, Tourism and Real Estate

The best cities in Turkey are distributed according to the cultural prosperity and the economic transformation, and the progress in the efficiency of transport projects, construction, and other infrastructure projects

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