Results of searching for: Ankara

Prices of apartments in Ankara in dollars and Turkish lira
Prices of apartments in Ankara in dollars and Turkish lira

Find out the average prices of apartments in Ankara Turkey in dollars and Turkish lira for the year 2022. Also read about the cheapest apartment prices in Ankara by Imtilak Real Estate.

Cheapest prices for apartments in Ankara, Turkey in 2022
Cheapest prices for apartments in Ankara, Turkey in 2022

Find out about the cheapest apartments for sale in Ankara in some of its most famous areas, and read about the services of Imtilak Real Estate in providing the most suitable apartment for you at the best price.

Real estate prices in Ankara, Turkey in 2023
Real estate prices in Ankara, Turkey in 2023

Updated information on real estate prices in Ankara, Turkey in 2023 by Imtilak Real Estate, including the prices of apartments, villas, and land, and comparison with other Turkish cities.

A detailed guide on buying a property in Ankara in 2024
A detailed guide on buying a property in Ankara in 2024

Are you considering buying a property in Ankara? Find out about the best Ankara properties for investment and the best areas to own, and also read about the step-by-step buying procedures.

A detailed guide about Mamak district in Ankara
A detailed guide about Mamak district in Ankara

A guide about the Mamak district in Ankara, its location, weather, the most important features, and infrastructure. Also, learn about the advantages of buying and living in an apartment in Mamak Ankara.

The most important infrastructure projects in Ankara and their advantages
The most important infrastructure projects in Ankara and their advantages

Learn in detail about the most important infrastructure projects in the Turkish city of Ankara and its advantages, and also about the stages of infrastructure development in Ankara in recent years.

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