Results of searching for: Arabs

Top 7 cities for Arabs to live in Turkey
Top 7 cities for Arabs to live in Turkey

Read, and find out about the best cities in Turkey for Arabs in 2024, in terms of living, job opportunities, ownership, and investment; Detailed information provided by Imtilak Real Estate about the best cities in Turkey.

The most famous international and Arabic schools in Alanya
The most famous international and Arabic schools in Alanya

A guide to the best public, international and Arabic schools in Alanya, including their prices, areas, and the most important residential projects nearby

The most important international and Arabic schools in Sakarya
The most important international and Arabic schools in Sakarya

A guide to the most important public schools, international and Arabic schools in Sakarya, including prices, the areas located there, and the nearby housing projects

Trabzon City- The Arab Investors Top Destination
Trabzon City- The Arab Investors Top Destination

Trabzon is one of the most attractive tourist cities in Turkey as well as the investors , which makes it the Arab investors top destination for a perfect investment opportunities.

Updated Information on Arab and International Schools in Turkey
Updated Information on Arab and International Schools in Turkey

The perfect updated guide to help you know the Arab and international schools in Turkey, with latest information on each school detail, fees, and programs.

Arabs and Real Estate Ownership in Turkey: The Quest for Stability
Arabs and Real Estate Ownership in Turkey: The Quest for Stability

Learn about the best reason to drive Arabs for real estate ownership in Turkey, what motivates the investors to open businesses and how relations between Arabs and Turks.

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