Ownership Apartments in Turkey Trabzon

Your guide to getting to know the Akçaabat area in Trabzon
Your guide to getting to know the Akçaabat area in Trabzon

Learn in detail about the Akçaabat area in Trabzon and the most important features of living in it, and whether it is suitable for owning and buying an apartment. Read at Imtilak Real Estate.

Real Estate Prices in Trabzon 2022
Real Estate Prices in Trabzon 2022

An updated guide to real estate prices in Trabzon, Turkey, in 2022, including the prices of apartments, villas and land, read with the first real estate consultant, Imtilak Real Estate.

Buying an apartment in Trabzon 2024: procedures and most important tips
Buying an apartment in Trabzon 2024: procedures and most important tips

Do you want to buy an apartment in Trabzon? Learn with Imtilak Real Estate the best areas for buying an apartment in Trabzon, and the best offers available.

Villas of Luxury & Comfort

New luxury villas for sale in Istanbul

Villas of Luxury & Comfort
A guide on buying a property in Trabzon in 2024
A guide on buying a property in Trabzon in 2024

Your guide to buying a property in Trabzon in 2024, includes introducing the features of Trabzon real estate, and the best types of investment, with a step-by-step explanation of the buying procedures.

The experience of buying an apartment in Trabzon, Turkey
The experience of buying an apartment in Trabzon, Turkey

Check the experience of buying an apartment in Trabzon, Turkey, and learn the opinions of Imtilak Real Estate clients from the moment of contacting them until receiving the property.

Kaya Project 968 - IMT
Kaya Project 968 - IMT

Luxury apartments for sale in Trabzon by the sea, with a charming view of the Black Sea coast and with integrated services, next to the highway and close to the most important life amenities

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